Bodymod Essentials
Labret internally threaded with flat disc

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Product Name: Labret internally threaded with flat disc
SKU: Labret-96
Brand: Bodymod Essentials
Thread thickness: 1.2 mm.
Lock type: Internal thread
Type: Labret
Placement: Angelbite, Forward helix, Conch, Helix, Lobe, Lower labret, Madonna, Medusa, Snakebite, Spiderbite, Tragus
Material: Surgical steel
Coating type: Anodized
Number of items: 1 piece
Design: Flat top
Is the jewelry coated?: Yes, the whole jewelry
This labret looks as if it had flat discs at both ends, but this is not the case: the difference is that the top disc can be screwed off, meaning the post is internally threaded.
Internal threading protects your skin from scratches when pushing the post through your piercing hole. Regular labrets are externally threaded, where the thread may be a little sharp and may damage your skin when pinning it in.
Labrets are intended for use in lip piercings but, many people also wear them as ear piercing jewelry because of their flat bottom disc. If you, for example, wear it in the tragus, you can forget about that large locking ball, as it may be safer to wear a small flat plate at the entrance to the ear.
The jewelry will also work in a helix piercing, as you may benefit from the short length of only 5/32" (4 mm). You can naturally wear it in the ear lobe as well, as long as the bar gauge matches that of your piercing hole.
Choose the length, the color and you can also choose the diameter of the top disc.
Everyday use
The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.
This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.
Water resistance
The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.
This jewelry is durable. With proper care and storage it can last up to 2 years.
Ease of insertion / removal
It’s fairly easy to insert/remove this jewelry. No need for tools, just a bit of patience and steady hands.
4.28 reviews
Ilgai ieškau tokio trumpo auskaru (4mm) savo conchai ir pagaliau radau. Auskaras yra labai patogus, lengvai uždedamas ir sriegis gerai laiko. Dabar miegu kur kas geriau, nes mano ausis neskauda nuo per ilgo auskaru. Šis yra toks patogus, kad net nejaučiu, kad jis yra mano ausyje.
Written by Aneta
I have a normally thin nasal septum, so I bought this jewelry because I could get it in 4 mm length. I would have liked a spherical shape, but it wasn't available in my size. It is the best size for my nose, and it feels good. The flat, disc-shaped visible part is a bit oddly shaped, as I'm not used to that. But the hardest part was getting it in place, especially in the narrow area of the nose. It was hard to get hold of the parts, either with fingers or pliers. Eventually, I managed to get the jewelry in place with my fingers. I don't want to put it in place again. I have tolerated the metal of this and other nose jewelry well, as I am allergic to at least nickel. So the jewelry is made of sufficiently high-quality and safe material.
Written by Outi
Aš paėmiau dvi juodas tragus su 3 mm rutuliuku ir 6 mm stiebu: per trumpas man, kad galėčiau jas dėvėti. Vis dėlto aš jas uždėjau ant dviejų gretimų viršutinių lobulių, man jos patinka.
Written by Mata
Oi, ne! Pirsingas yra super gražus, bet jį visiškai neįmanoma pasidaryti pačiai į savo tragus – niekada anksčiau neturėjau problemų keičiant juos. Kad užraktas turi būti įdedamas į strypą, o ne strypas į užraktą, daro praktiškai neįmanoma jį įdėti į savo tragus pirsingą. Po pusantros valandos su raudona, skausminga ausimi, pasiduodu. Rytoj turiu nusileisti pas savo pirsininką ir paklausti, ar jis gali jį sulaikyti už mane (greičiausiai už mokestį, kuris yra brangesnis nei pats papuošalas...)
Written by Emmi
Laukiau pristatymo šiek tiek ilgiau, nei buvo nurodyta, bet buvo verta. Auskaras atrodo puikiai ausyje. Ilgesniems nagams rekomenduoju pasinaudoti švaria pincete, kad padėtumėte įdėti ilgesnę dalį į ausį ir lengvai ją stumkite aukštyn, kad galiukas būtų matomas skylėje. Jis labai lengvai įsukamas. Iš pradžių bijojau, kad jį kur nors pamiršiu, bet jis laikosi taip gerai, kad niekada nebuvo iškritęs iš ausies :) Labai rekomenduoju.
Written by Aleksandra
Tai būtent taip, kaip nuotraukoje. Užsisakiau 4 mm variantą ir jis tikrai mažas. Atrodo labai gražiai. Labai patenkinta produktu ir siuntimu, kaip visada!!!!
Written by Mudi
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