Bodymod Essentials

Push in labret concealer

1,90 €

Select size


8 mm.10 mm.12 mm.

Thread thickness:

1.2 mm.1.6 mm.

Everyday use



User friendly



Product Name: Push in labret concealer

SKU: Labret-102

Brand: Bodymod Essentials

Lock type: Push-In

Type: Labret

Placement: Angelbite, Forward helix, Conch, Helix, Lobe, Lower labret, Madonna, Medusa, Snakebite, Spiderbite, Tragus

Material: PTFE / Bioplast

Ball size: 2.5 mm.

Color: Transparent

Number of items: 1 piece

Design: Simple


Have you always wanted something to replace your labret when you don't want it to be noticed? This is your opportunity to have a labret retainer with a push-in head that is firm and also helps to hide your piercing without putting your piercing at the risk of closing.
The labret concealer is made of the soft material PTFE, which protects both teeth and gums if used in a lip piercing.
The small plastic head is only 1/8" (2.5 mm). Your piercing, if seen at all, will look like a little innocent zit. 
Do you have an employer who doesn’t want people with piercings at the workplace? A grandparent who will disinherit you if you have a piercing? Or maybe just a person in your circle that is not a big fan of body jewelry? Then you should consider getting yourself this retainer!

Everyday use

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


If you suffer from a nickel allergy, this jewelry is safe for you.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.




Can last a lifetime

This jewelry is semi-durable. With proper care and storage, it can last up to 1 year.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s easy to insert/remove this jewelry due to its very user friendly open and closing mechanism.


4.715 reviews

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    Atlieka tai, ką turi

    Atsižvelgiant į gana konservatyvią požiūrį į pirsingus tarp teisininkų, nusprendžiau nešioti retainerį. Atidžiau apžiūrėjus galima pamatyti, kad nosies sparne vis dar kažkas liko, tačiau tai lengvai galima užmaskuoti šiek tiek makiažo;)

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    Nematomas, rekomenduoju

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    Super idėja

    Tai puiki idėja! Tačiau manau, kad jos per daug trapios! Jos greitai lūžta, o dabar esu prie antros užsakytos, nes pirmoji sulūžo taip greitai. Bet, kaip jau buvo pasakyta, puiki idėja, laukiu nesulaukdamas, kada galėsiu jas naudoti darbe!

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    Nusipirkau kelis ir jie veikia taip, kaip turi.

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    Pigus papuošalas

    Geras pirkinys atsižvelgiant į kainą. Paprasto naudojimo metu veikė be priekaištų.

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    gražus papuošalas.

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