Bodymod Essentials

Seamless ring in a variety of colors

1,90 €


VioletBlackMulti colorGoldSilverRed gold

Select size

Ring diameter:

6 mm.8 mm.10 mm.12 mm.

Thread thickness:

0.8 mm.1 mm.1.2 mm.

Everyday use


For most skin types


Fairly easy


Product Name: Seamless ring in a variety of colors

SKU: Ring-76

Brand: Bodymod Essentials

Lock type: Twist

Type: Seamless ring

Placement: Angelbite, Forward helix, Anti-tragus, Clitoris hood, Conch, Daith, Frenum, Hafada, Helix, Labia, Lobe, Lorum, Lower labret, Nostril, Rook, Septum, Snakebite, Snug, Spiderbite, Tragus

Material: Surgical steel

Coating type: Anodized

Number of items: 1 piece

Design: Simple

Is the jewelry coated?: Yes, the whole jewelry


Endless rings usually have a hinged segment to open and close them. However, sometimes, when you insert in the piercing, it's a bit cumbersome to close it, especially if your ear and the ring are very small.

With this seamless ring, it will be easier to insert the ring into your piercing. The circle consists of a single piece of metal with a small opening. To open the ring, you only have to twist the ends in opposite directions like a spiral - do not pull them apart sideways. Slide it into your piercing, and the ring will close when you release it. Note that the ends of smaller models may be sharp when they're open.

Choose from different colors and sizes, according to your piercing.

If you want it for your tragus piercing, for example, the most frequently used sizes are 1/4" or 5/16" (6 or 8 mm). For the lip piercing, 5/16" or 3/8" (8 or 10 mm) are usually used, depending on the thickness of your lip.

Everyday use

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.




Can last a lifetime

This jewelry is durable. With proper care and storage it can last up to 2 years.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s fairly easy to insert/remove this jewelry. No need for tools, just a bit of patience and steady hands.


4.6107 reviews

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    Pirkau 8 vnt. rožinės aukso auskarams, kurių skersmuo 8 ml, storis 0,8 ml. Visiškai tobulos. Lengvai montuojamos.

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    Aš perėjau iš sidabrinių papuošalų į auksinius ir šie yra super! Lengva uždaryti, prieinama kaina ir greitas pristatymas, rekomenduoju!

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    Naudoju juos jau labai ilgą laiką, jie šiek tiek sunkiai užsidaro, tačiau tam vis tiek reikia labai mažai laiko. Niekuomet neturėjau infekcijų, nes jie pagaminti iš chirurginio plieno, spalva visada išlieka blizgi, jie yra nuostabūs, o dydžių pasirinkimas yra platus.

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    Esu visiškai patenkintas!

    Tai atkeliavo labai greitai! Gražioje, mieloje mažytėje dėžutėje su trumpu santrauka. Kai aš ieškojau ir žiūrėjau, nesvarbiau daug dalykų, todėl retrospektyviai jau logiška, kad jį reikia sulenkti ir tada suspausti pirsingą. Man buvo šiek tiek sunkumų, bet už tokią kainą viskas puiku, galiu dar jį pritaikyti. Iš tiesų, aš jį įdėjau į savo ausies kišenę vietoj ausies, todėl jis negali spausti auskarų sagties, taigi atitinka savo tikslą.

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    labai standus žiedas

    visai gerai, bet sunku lenkti

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    Šiek tiek sunku uždaryti, bet visai ne neįmanoma, tikrai gražus mažas pirsingas :)

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