Tunnel made of silicone in your choice of color

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Product Name: Tunnel made of silicone in your choice of color
SKU: Tunnel-7
Type: Tunnel
Material: Silicone
Depth: Various
Number of items: 1 piece
Design: Simple
A delightful tunnel made of silicone.
These tunnels are easy and safe to use in your body. They're made of silicone, a tested and approved material for medical implants. That's why you can use them without worry.
Silicone is becoming more and more popular in the piercing jewelry industry, thanks to its multiple applications. It can be produced in any color, and it fits the dynamics of the body. A significant advantage of silicone tunnels is that they are incredibly flexible, so they provide a perfect fit. Some people use silicone tunnels to sleep because they are more comfortable than other materials.
Everyday use
The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.
If you suffer from a nickel allergy, this jewelry is safe for you.
Water resistance
The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.
With proper care and handling this jewelry can be in your collection for a lifetime without losing it’s shine.
Ease of insertion / removal
It’s easy to insert/remove this jewelry due to its very user friendly open and closing mechanism.
4.939 reviews
Jau turiu kelis šio silikono tunelio modelius, kurie skiriasi spalva ir dydžiu, ir dar negavau jokių skundų. Produktas atitinka aprašymą ir nuotrauką, be to, jis labai patogus ir minkštas.
Written by Patrīcija
Aš nusipirkau tris šiuos tunelius. Man jie labai patinka, jie lengvai montuojami ir dar patogiau nešiojami. Jie visai nedirgina. Jei kas nors ieško lengvos permainos, tai tikrai rekomenduoju juos.
Written by Tarmo
Mega lengva įdiegti, gerai lenkiasi ir gerai atrodo, man jau nusibodo tie O žiedai. Taigi tai yra gera permaina.
Written by Peeter
Jie nėra gražiausi, bet tikrai patogiausi.
Written by Oksana
Manau, kad tai yra patogiausi plug auskarai. Tiek naktį, tiek dieną. Man labai patinka ši svetainė. Tikrai užsisakysiu čia daugiau dalykų :)
Written by Andra
Visai gerai iš lanksčios silikono, lengvos ausims.
Written by Ragnar
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