Bodymod Moments
Belly button ring with bottom heart-shaped gem
Product Name: Belly button ring with bottom heart-shaped gem
SKU: Belly-54
Brand: Bodymod Moments
Thread thickness: 1.6 mm
Lock type: External thread
Type: Belly barbell
Placement: Navel
Length: 10 mm.
Material: Surgical steel
Ball size: 5 mm.
Bottom ball: 7 mm.
Type of gemstone: Zirconia
Is the item glued?: Yes
Number of items: 1 piece
Design: Heart
Everyday use
The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.
This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.
Water resistance
The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.
This jewelry is durable. With proper care and storage it can last up to 2 years.
Ease of insertion / removal
It’s easy to insert/remove this jewelry due to its very user friendly open and closing mechanism.
4.612 reviews
Produktas kaip aprašyta, puikus dydis, man jis labai patinka, kaip nuotraukoje, jis man netrukdo, ir nors turiu jį tik kelias dienas, jis nebuvo sugadintas vandeniu.
Written by Fanny
Šviesus ir paprastas, niekada neatsibosta
Written by Maria giulia
I chose the color blue and thought, based on the picture, that it would be a very light and mild blue. What arrived was an intense turquoise, otherwise looks quite nice. I chose 10 mm and the length is quite good.
Written by Johanna
Buvau sujaudintas dėl papuošalo atvykimo, tačiau jis pasirodė esąs per trumpas man. Jis vos praėjo per mano auskarą. Bet papuošalas tikrai gražus, o mano seseriai tai buvo tinkamo ilgio.
Written by Pine
Aš jau 2 mėnesius nešu bambos vėrimą ir dabar galėjau jį pakeisti. Mano tėvai man dovanojo gražų violetinį, o mano mama pasirinko šviesiai mėlyną sau. Abu nuostabiai blizga. Laimei, jis neprisisegė prie nieko, nors šiek tiek kyšo iš mano bambos. Kai du klasės draugai tai pamatė vakarėlyje, abu man paprašė, kad parodyčiau jiems, nes jie norėjo pamatyti iš arti. Trumpai tariant, jis tikrai traukia akį, ir jie taip pat labai jį pagyrė :)
Written by Barbi
Napakoru is cheap, but really pretty. It hasn't caused any chafing or any bad reaction for me; I recommend it.
Written by senni
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