Bodymod Moments

Nose screw with flower

3,90 €


TransparentLight PinkTurquoiseMulti color

Everyday use

User friendly

For most skin types

Splash proof



Product Name: Nose screw with flower

SKU: Nose-6

Brand: Bodymod Moments

Thread thickness: 0.8 mm.

Lock type: Nose screw

Type: Nose screw

Placement: Nostril

Length: 6 mm.

Material: Surgical steel

Ball size: 4 mm.

Type of gemstone: Crystal

Number of items: 1 piece

Design: Flower


Beautiful nose screw with a flower in a variety of color combinations. This screw has an extraordinary look that stands out from the rest. 

It's made of 316L surgical steel, the best kind. 

You can choose from different colors, for example:

  • Multicolor
  • Turquoise
  • White

And on top of that, it has an especially affordable price :)

Select the color you prefer above. 

Everyday use

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


This jewelry is resistant to a few drops of water, but you should avoid excessive water exposure.




Can last a lifetime

This jewelry is durable. With proper care and storage it can last up to 2 years.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s easy to insert/remove this jewelry due to its very user friendly open and closing mechanism.


5.011 reviews

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    išties nuostabu!

    Kištukas tikrai puikus! Jis iš tikrųjų atrodo aukštos kokybės ir puikus! Užsisakyčiau jį vėl.

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    Greitas pristatymas, puikūs auskarai

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    Man patinka šis auskaras. Jis labai gražus, patogus, lengvai valomas, plokščias, todėl labai diskretiškas. Užsisakysiu dar daugiau...

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    Gražus papuošalas

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    Puikus kainos ir kokybės santykis, jis labai blizga ir greitas pristatymas. Labai rekomenduojama!!!

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    Šis žiedelis tikrai gražus ir matomas. Auskarai labai, ir aš nusipirkau keletą. Visiškai rekomenduoju, o kainos ir kokybės santykis puikus.

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