Bodymod Moments
Tongue barbell with glow in the dark smiley face balls
January Sale ends in:
1d 6h 20m 20s
January Sale ends in:
1d 6h 20m 20s
Product Name: Tongue barbell with glow in the dark smiley face balls
SKU: Tongue-34
Brand: Bodymod Moments
Thread thickness: 1.6 mm
Lock type: External thread
Type: Tongue barbell
Placement: Tongue
Length: 16 mm.
Material: Surgical steel
Ball size: 6 mm.
Bottom ball: 6 mm.
Coating type: Standard coating
Number of items: 1 piece
Design: Glow in the dark
Secondary material: Acrylic
Is the jewelry coated?: Yes, the ball
Here is a sweet and funny tongue barbell that is light and dark at the same time, with a smiley face.
The balls are made of glow-in-the-dark acrylic. Acrylic will protect your teeth because it's a very soft material that involves no risk.
The bar is made of surgical steel, a material that doesn't release nickel.
The model is available in two different colors: blue and green. Choose the one you prefer from the menu on the right of the picture. Note that the smiley face is printed on the ball, so you will have to avoid contact with some liquids, such as sweet beverages, coffee, tea, and alcohol, as these can erase the print.
Everyday use
The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.
This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.
Water resistance
The metal composition and/or craftsmanship of this jewelry makes it vulnerable to water and sweat.
This jewelry is semi-durable. With proper care and storage, it can last up to 1 year.
Ease of insertion / removal
It’s fairly easy to insert/remove this jewelry. No need for tools, just a bit of patience and steady hands.
4.45 reviews
Deja, šypsena greitai dingo, bet vis tiek tai gražus nagas.
Written by suzu
Atitinka nuotrauką
Written by Fiona
Atrodo labiau geltonas nei žalias, bet aš esu patenkinta, jis yra malonus ir patogus dėvėti.
Written by Fiona
Man labai patinka visokių įvairių linksmų ir šaunių daiktų, o šis pėrsingas yra vienas iš jų. Tačiau mano nuomone, liežuvis nėra geriausia vieta šiai idėjai įgyvendinti, nes pirmiausia reikia leisti pėrsingui gulėti saulės spinduliuose, kad jis galėtų spindėti. Todėl reikia reguliariai išimti papuošalą lauką, palaukti kelias valandas ir tik tada jis bus paruoštas dėvėti tamsiame kambaryje.
Written by Kitija
Esu dalyvis dalykų, kurie švyti tamsoje, ir ši auskaras tai daro. Bet man aukščiausiai kilusi mintis, kad jis pirmiausia turi šviesos, kad švytėtų, todėl greičiausiai turėsite iškišti liežuvį į šviesą keletą minučių prieš eidami į tamsias patalpas ir šėlti.
Written by IJ
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