Bodymod Trend
Belly button ring with long dangle

Product Name: Belly button ring with long dangle
SKU: Belly-138
Brand: Bodymod Trend
Thread thickness: 1.6 mm
Lock type: External thread
Type: Belly barbell with dangle
Placement: Navel
Length: 10 mm.
Material: Surgical steel
Ball size: 5 mm.
Bottom ball: 3 mm.
Type of gemstone: Zirconia
Is the item glued?: Yes
Coating type: Standard coating
Number of items: 1 piece
Design: Stone studded
Secondary material: Brass
Is the jewelry coated?: Yes, the hanger
Total length: 62 mm.
Hanger length: 45 mm.
If you love belly button rings with a long dangle, you can't miss out on this jewelry.
The barbell is 3/8" (10 mm) long and made of surgical steel, a safe material that is the most widely used in body piercing jewelry. While it has a standard top ball, a beautiful dangle hangs from the bottom ball, with stones in the color of your choice.
You can choose between four different colors: white, pink, turquoise, and lilac. The stones get bigger as they get closer to the bottom; the last one has a diameter of 3/8" (10 mm).
If you love long dangles in your belly piercing, get your new barbell in your favorite color before it sells out.
Wear frequency
This jewelry is designed for occasional use only. Moderate to everyday use might reduce its lifetime and can in some cases cause irritation.
This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.
Water resistance
The metal composition and/or craftsmanship of this jewelry makes it vulnerable to water and sweat.
This jewelry is semi-durable. With proper care and storage, it can last up to 1 year.
Ease of insertion / removal
It’s easy to insert/remove this jewelry due to its very user friendly open and closing mechanism.
4.38 reviews
Gan geras produktas, taip pat gana gera kaina. Nereikškite ir paketas gražiai atkeliavo į pašto dėžutę.
Written by CC
Ieškojau kažko ilgo savo bamba pirsingui ir aptikau šį papuošalą, kuris atitinka tiek nuotrauką, tiek aprašymą.
Written by Michella
Ieškau papuošalų sau ir radau šį papuošalą su LABAI ilgu pakabučiu.
Written by Eveliina
Prieš kurį laiką nusipirkau šią papuošalą, kuri greitai atvyko paštu ir buvo beveik gražesnė nei nuotraukoje. Tačiau pakabukas nėra chirurginis plienas, todėl keliose vietose jis įgavo keistą oranžinį nuspalvinimą. Tai nėra kažkas, ką tikrai pastebi, bet vis tiek manau, kad tai gaila, nes papuošalas kitaip tikrai gražus.
Written by Maria
Esu labai patenkintas. Greitas pristatymas ir nuostabi papuošalų. Rekomenduoju!
Written by Cecci
Labai gražus papuošalus su geru kainos ir kokybės santykiu. Pristatymas truko ilgai, bet klientų aptarnavimo tarnyba labai paslaugiai padėjo. Esu labai patenkinta! Pirkstu daugiau papuošalų jūsų internetinėje parduotuvėje!
Written by Cisca
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