Bodymod Trend

Septum clicker with studded edge

9,90 €

Gemstone color:


User friendly

Moderate use

For most skin types

Avoid water



Product Name: Septum clicker with studded edge

SKU: Nose-53

Brand: Bodymod Trend

Thread thickness: 1.2 mm.

Lock type: Hinge

Type: Septum clicker

Placement: Septum

Length: 6 mm.

Ring diameter: 9 mm.

Material: Surgical steel

Color: Silver

Height: 13 mm.

Coating type: Standard coating

Number of items: 1 piece

Design: Stone studded

Secondary material: Brass

Is the jewelry coated?: Yes, the whole jewelry


Excellent septum piercing jewelry: a classic but not boring ring. 

This septum clicker is studded with beautiful stones along the edge, which has a thickness of 1/8" (3 mm). There's a total of 11 stones on the ring, faceted with a diamond cut. This special cut allows light to reflect from different angles, so it's a unique septum ring. 

Besides, it's easy and simple to put in. Slide the bar into the piercing and press it until it clicks with an audible snap to shut it, and click it back open. It's that easy! Besides, you can choose the color of the gem from six different colors. Pick your favorite  and add your new clicker to your order today. 

Wear frequency

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

This jewelry can safely be worn regularly, but might cause discomfort during sleeping, sports, or long periods of uninterrupted use.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


The metal composition and/or craftsmanship of this jewelry makes it vulnerable to water and sweat.




Can last a lifetime

This jewelry is semi-durable. With proper care and storage, it can last up to 1 year.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s easy to insert/remove this jewelry due to its very user friendly open and closing mechanism.


4.85 reviews

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    Labai patenkinta

    Greitas pristatymas! Tai labai geras ir puikus kainos ir kokybės santykis. Labai patenkinta pirkiniu. Aš jį nusipirkau kartu su dar dviem. Tikrai vėl užsisakysiu šiame puslapyje :)

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    Labai, labai patenkinta

    Buvau maloniai nustebinta. Labai pigus, bet nereikia žiūrėti į kokybę. Greitas pristatymas!

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    Labai gerai

    Ši striukė yra tokia graži, turiu ją žalia. Ji nėra per didelė ar per maža, tikrai tinkama!

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    Šis papuošalas yra tikrai gražus, lengva su juo dirbti. Nėra per mažas, tikrai galėtų būti šiek tiek didesnis, tačiau vis tiek puikus!

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    labai patenkintas

    Buvau teigiamai nustebintas, labai pigu ir neturėjau jokių priekaištų kokybei. Ir geriausia buvo tai, kad po 2 dienų po užsakymo pīrsingo jau buvo mano pašto dėžutėje.

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