Bodymod Moments

Belly button ring made of acrylic with glitter balls

1,90 €


TransparentLight PinkBlack

Everyday use



User friendly



Product Name: Belly button ring made of acrylic with glitter balls

SKU: Belly-119

Brand: Bodymod Moments

Thread thickness: 1.6 mm

Lock type: External thread

Type: Belly barbell

Placement: Navel, Clitoris hood, Fourchette, Isabella

Length: 10 mm.

Material: Acrylic

Ball size: 5 mm.

Bottom ball: 8 mm.

Number of items: 1 piece

Design: Glitter

Total length: 23 mm.


This belly button ring is made of acrylic, a very flexible and easy to wear material. 

The balls of the barbell are semi-transparent, with glitter flakes that make it look irresistible.

Besides, there is something that makes it even more special, which is that you can cut the PTFE barbell to your desired length to fit your piercing. The only thing you need after you cut it is to screw on a metal ball, so you can cut the thread end again.

Everyday use

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


If you suffer from a nickel allergy, this jewelry is safe for you.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.




Can last a lifetime

This jewelry is semi-durable. With proper care and storage, it can last up to 1 year.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s easy to insert/remove this jewelry due to its very user friendly open and closing mechanism.


4.85 reviews

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    Papuošalas yra maloniai lengvas ir jo nejaučiate. Jis taip pat labai gražus - tačiau neblizga tiek, kiek vaizdas rodo :) Apskritai geras, gražus pirsingas.

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    Papuošalas yra lengvai naudojamas. Rekomenduoju.

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    Patogus papuošalas

    Visiškai nejaučiu, kad turiu papuošalą - jis nuostabiai minkštas. Tačiau dabar, kai atvyksta vasara, pakeisiu į šiek tiek gražesnį :-) Nėra tai, kad šis papuošalas būtų bjaurus, jis tiesiog mažiau įdomus už, pavyzdžiui, tą su daug akmenų :-)

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    Myliu violetinę

    Aš nusipirkau tiek purpurinės, tiek rožinės spalvos ir esu visiškai įsimylėjęs purpurinę. Ją lengva sulenkti ir tikrai galiu ją rekomenduoti kitiems... :)

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    Turiu ir kitų spalvų, bet violetinė yra geriausia! :)

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