Bodymod Essentials

Circular barbell with spikes in black matte color

4,90 €

Select size

Ring diameter:

6 mm.8 mm.10 mm.12 mm.

Thread thickness:

1.2 mm.1.6 mm.

Ball size:

3 mm.4 mm.5 mm.

For most skin types

Splash proof

Fairly easy

Occasional use



Product Name: Circular barbell with spikes in black matte color

SKU: Horseshoe-37

Brand: Bodymod Essentials

Lock type: External thread

Type: Horseshoe

Placement: Angelbite, Forward helix, Anti-tragus, Daith, Helix, Lobe, Lower labret, Nipple, Rook, Septum, Snakebite, Snug, Spiderbite, Tragus

Material: Surgical steel

Color: Black

Coating type: Anodized

Number of items: 1 piece

Design: Spike

Is the jewelry coated?: Yes, the whole jewelry


Sometimes you need something different from classic silver jewelry. If this is your case, this phenomenal circular barbell is perfect for you. 

This barbell is made of surgical steel and features a beautiful coating in matte black. The dark color will create excellent contrast, more than the metallic look jewelry, standing out immediately.

Circular barbells can be used in many different piercings. This black matte barbell will look great in your eyebrow or lip piercing; but you can also put it on your ear, nipple, or intimate piercing. As you can see, there are so many options to choose from. 

It's available in two gauge sizes and diameters from 1/4" to 1/2" (6 to 12 mm). Select the size you need for your piercing before adding it to your order. 

Wear frequency

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

This jewelry is designed for occasional use only. Moderate to everyday use might reduce its lifetime and can in some cases cause irritation.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


This jewelry is resistant to a few drops of water, but you should avoid excessive water exposure.




Can last a lifetime

This jewelry is semi-durable. With proper care and storage, it can last up to 1 year.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s fairly easy to insert/remove this jewelry. No need for tools, just a bit of patience and steady hands.


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    Aš esu patenkintas

    Aš užsisakiau čia prieš daugiau nei metus, iki šiol nesu parašęs atsiliepimo, bet dabar turiu pasidalinti, kad per metus nemačiau nė vienos klaidos. Niekada jo nepakeičiau, o nuolat dėvint spalva, tiek matinė, tiek blizgi, nenusidėvėjusi. Atrodo, lyg būčiau jį užsisakęs šiandien :) Ir noriu pridurti, kad tai visai netrukdo, galai nepjausto! Kadangi man tai nusibodo per metus, tikrai užsisakysiu kitokį modelį iš čia, ir tikiuosi, kad jis bus tobulas! :)

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    Pagaliau 6 mm žiedas, kuris puikiai tinka aplink mano lūpą. Atrodo nuostabiai!

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    Puikus lūpų pėdsakas

    Išties gražus papuošalas, neturiu nieko blogo apie jį pasakyti, jis man puikiai tinka.

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    Tikrai šaunūs arklių kailiai

    Man patinka kainos čia. O ši klevo forma yra super graži ir lengva įdėti. Man reikėjo septumo papuošalo, kuriam nereikėjo naudoti replės ir pan. Tai daug lengviau. O 8 mm yra tiesiog puikiai tinkama man. Man nepatinka, kai papuošalas yra per didelis :) Esu visiškai patenkintas.

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    Puikus kaip lūpų piercingo papuošalas

    Išties gražus auskaras, jei jums patinka matiniai papuošalai, jis gera ir neturėjau jokių problemų su juo.

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