Bodymod Premium
Labret made of titanium in a variety of stud designs
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Product Name: Labret made of titanium in a variety of stud designs
SKU: Labret-105
Brand: Bodymod Premium
Thread thickness: 1.2 mm.
Lock type: Internal thread
Type: Labret
Placement: Angelbite, Forward helix, Conch, Helix, Lobe, Lower labret, Madonna, Medusa, Snakebite, Spiderbite, Tragus
Material: Titanium
Color: Silver
Gemstone color: Transparent
Type of gemstone: Zirconia
Number of items: 1 piece
Straight barbells are very versatile pieces, as they can be worn in many different body parts.
The piece we introduce here is made of titanium, one of the best materials for those who are new to the piercing world, as it’s very pure and safe. This labret is internally threaded to prevent any scratching.
You can choose from several stone designs for this post, such as a round stone or a triangular stone. Check all the options above.
You can also choose from different post lengths, which you should select according to where your piercing is located. For example, not all people have the same lip thickness, so choosing a shorter post is a good idea if you have thinner or not-as-thick lips.
Last but not least, some of the available options also allow you to choose the size of the top stone.
Everyday use
The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.
If you suffer from a nickel allergy, this jewelry is safe for you.
Water resistance
The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.
With proper care and handling this jewelry can be in your collection for a lifetime without losing it’s shine.
Ease of insertion / removal
It’s fairly easy to insert/remove this jewelry. No need for tools, just a bit of patience and steady hands.
4.99 reviews
Labretas labai gražus, diskretiškas. Atidarant nebuvo jokių problemų.
Written by Petra
Būtent kaip nuotraukoje, labai smulkus ir gražus
Written by Leoni sydney
Papuošalas turi tikrai, tikrai mažas dalis, kurios gali pradingti, jei jas numesite ant grindų. Turėjau užsisakyti kitą, nes 8 mm buvo per sunku prisukti, o papuošalas nukrito ant grindų ir pradingo. Nusipirkau kitą, 10 mm, kurį pavyko prisukti, nors jis buvo šiek tiek per ilgas man. Medžiaga yra titanas ir nesukelia jokių baisių reakcijų. Mielas mažas papuošalas ir ne per aštrus.
Written by CJ
Tai mažas, diskretiškas. Man tai patinka. 6mm tvirtai prigula, galbūt šiek tiek per daug, bet visai ne nepatogiai.
Written by Elena
Lengva uždėti ir super šviesus!! Laiku pristatymas!
Written by Eleonora
Pirsingas atrodo labai gražiai. Kai jis atvyko, buvau nustebinta, kad akmuo iš tikrųjų yra kruopščiai įstatytas. Tačiau... jo neįmanoma atsukti. Trys žmonės bandė ir tai tiesiog neveikia. Taigi, gražus pirsingas, bet nenaudojamas. Didelis gaila.
Written by Dee
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