14k gold

Bodymod Premium

Nose ring made of 14k gold

36,90 €


14K Gold14K White gold14K Rose gold

Select size

Ring diameter:

8 mm.10 mm.

Thread thickness:

0.8 mm.1 mm.

Everyday use



Can last a lifetime

User friendly


Product Name: Nose ring made of 14k gold

SKU: Nose-86

Brand: Bodymod Premium

Type: Nose ring

Placement: Nostril

Ball size: 1.9 mm.

Number of items: 1 piece

Design: Simple


This 14-karat solid nose ring is stylish, classic, and timeless. If you're looking for a simple design of high quality, this ring is what you wanted. This sweet nose ring has an unbeatable quality, so it doesn't need any decoration or accessories. Sometimes, the simplest thing is the most effective. Like architect Mies Van der Rohe said: Less is more. 

This nose ring is available in two gauge sizes (20g and 18g) and two diameters: 5/16" and 3/8" (8 and 10 mm). Select the gauge size you need and the diameter you prefer. If you have a rather small nose, the 5/16" (8 mm) ring will look great on you. If your nose is rather big, you better choose the 3/8" (10 mm) diameter ring. 

You can also choose between a yellow or a white gold ring; hurry and add this ring to your shopping cart before it sells out. 

Note that the end of the ring may vary slightly. Some models have a small rounded end, and others a flat disc, like the one in the picture. 

Everyday use

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


If you suffer from a nickel allergy, this jewelry is safe for you.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.




Can last a lifetime

With proper care and handling this jewelry can be in your collection for a lifetime without losing it’s shine.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s easy to insert/remove this jewelry due to its very user friendly open and closing mechanism.


4.33 reviews

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    Nuostabus papuošalas!

    Prieš kelias dienas gavau savo nosį ir ją dievinu! Esu Jungtinėse Valstijose, o pristatymas buvo greitas ir nemokamas! Dėkoju labai.

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    Buvo sunku ir užtruko apie 30 minučių, kol pavyko užsidėti, o tada, kai tai padariau, jis netiko tinkamai. Pats žiedas nėra pakankamai ilgas, todėl apačioje yra daug tuščios erdvės tarp žiedo ir mano nosies. Pasirinkau didžiausią dydį.

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    Nuostabus auksinis auskaras

    Labai patenkintas! Gerai sėdi ir atrodo taip gerai!

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