Taper in black with white pattern and double o-ring

2,90 €

Select size

Stretch diameter:

1.6 mm.2 mm.2.5 mm.3 mm.4 mm.5 mm.6 mm.8 mm.



User friendly


Occasional use


Product Name: Taper in black with white pattern and double o-ring

SKU: Taper-2

Lock type: O-Ring

Type: Taper

Placement: Stretching

Material: Acrylic

Color: Black/White

Number of items: 1 piece


This taper is made of acrylic and comes with two O-rings that secure the taper in place. You can use the taper to stretch your piercing, pushing it slowly to expand it. But be careful not to do it too fast; it could be very dangerous. 

If you want, you can also use this taper as a piece of jewelry. Acrylic is not harmful to the body and doesn't contain nickel traces, which is excellent if you're allergic to nickel.

Wear frequency

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

This jewelry is designed for occasional use only. Moderate to everyday use might reduce its lifetime and can in some cases cause irritation.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


If you suffer from a nickel allergy, this jewelry is safe for you.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.




Can last a lifetime

This jewelry is durable. With proper care and storage it can last up to 2 years.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s easy to insert/remove this jewelry due to its very user friendly open and closing mechanism.


4.837 reviews

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    Iš tiesų gražus tempiklis, lengvas naudoti ir su šauniu piešiniu. Puikus papuošalas!

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    Geras tempimas. Ko dar reikia?

    Grazus ir tvirtas. Naudojuosi šiuo papuošalu jau kurį laiką ir labai džiaugiuosi, kad vis dar neturiu jokių problemų!

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    Puikus tempimas. Man patinka tiek dizainas, tiek kokybė. Viskas yra aukštame lygyje. Tikrai užsakysiu tokį pat dar kartą. :)

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    Geri garsai. Geri paslaugos. Ko dar dar galėtumėte norėti?

    Taper, kuris yra tiek gražus, tiek patogus. Galiu jį tik rekomenduoti. Aš juos naudojau, o mano ausies pirsingas jau pasiekė 10 mm ir aš tęsia!

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    įdomus ausų kištukas, gerai laikosi ausyje

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    Užsisakiau 8 mm dydžio ir maniau, kad bus rinkinys, bet pakuotėje buvo tik 1 vnt. Mano klaida. Kitaip labai gera kokybė internetinei pirkčiai. Siunta taip pat atvyko gana greitai.

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