Bodymod Moments

Tongue barbell with soft ball

3,90 €


Light blueLight PinkBlack

For most skin types

Splash proof

Fairly easy

Occasional use



Product Name: Tongue barbell with soft ball

SKU: Tongue-25

Brand: Bodymod Moments

Thread thickness: 1.6 mm

Lock type: External thread

Type: Tongue barbell

Placement: Tongue

Length: 16 mm.

Material: Surgical steel

Bottom ball: 6 mm.

Number of items: 1 piece

Secondary material: Acrylic


Do you need a new tongue barbell that is not only beautiful but also comes into play in bed? Try this tongue barbell with a ball with soft spikes. The small spikes can provide extra pleasure when you use your tongue for sexual stimulation. That's why this is not only a beautiful tongue barbell for you, but it will also be your partner's favorite. 

You can also use this tongue barbell for daily wear since acrylic is a safe material that protects your teeth from chipping. The bar is made of surgical steel, so you can rest assured that it won't release nickel or any other harmful substance.

Go ahead and pick your favorite color from the list above, and have it delivered to you within a few days.

Wear frequency

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

This jewelry is designed for occasional use only. Moderate to everyday use might reduce its lifetime and can in some cases cause irritation.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


This jewelry is resistant to a few drops of water, but you should avoid excessive water exposure.




Can last a lifetime

This jewelry is semi-durable. With proper care and storage, it can last up to 1 year.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s fairly easy to insert/remove this jewelry. No need for tools, just a bit of patience and steady hands.


4.89 reviews

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    Labai patenkinta

    Aš esu labai patenkinta šiuo piercingu

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    Labai patenkinta

    Pirmasis įspūdis, keistas jausmas burnoje, bet greitai prie jo pripranti. Labai lengva tepti ir malonu. Ačiū!

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    Pakankamai linksma dekoracija :) Ir nors ji gana greitai sugenda, vaikinas liko patenkintas ;)

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    Jauki papuošalas

    Labai gražus piercingas. Žinoma, tokia dizaino forma netiks visiems, tačiau manau, kad tai tikrai, tikrai puiku. Be to, piercingo kokybė yra puiki, todėl neturiu jokių priekaištų :)

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    Labai gražus nagas

    Aš tai užsisakiau, nes mano dantistas sakė, kad turėčiau pakeisti kaištį, nes mano dantų emalis buvo pažeistas. Kaištis atrodo kietai, o gal tai bus geriau dantims ;) Mano merginai tai taip pat labai patinka, tad nepamirškite ;)

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    Tikrai puikus papuošalas :) Tačiau reikia būti atsargiems su juo, nes jis gali lengvai sulūžti. Bet turėsi patenkintą merginą ;)

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