Bodymod Trend

Curved barbell gold-plated with gems

7,90 €



Select size


8 mm.10 mm.

Everyday use


For most skin types


Fairly easy


Product Name: Curved barbell gold-plated with gems

SKU: Banana-44

Brand: Bodymod Trend

Thread thickness: 1.2 mm.

Lock type: External thread

Type: Curved barbell

Placement: Anti-tragus, Bridge, Daith, Eyebrow, Rook, Snug, Vertical labret

Material: Surgical steel

Type of gemstone: Crystal

Is the item glued?: Yes

Coating type: Anodized

Number of items: 1 piece

Design: Simple

Is the jewelry coated?: Yes, the whole jewelry


This barbell is made of surgical steel and has been covered with a layer of gold. It has a bezel-set gem in the balls on each end. This is specially designed for eyebrow piercings, but you can also put it on your nipple or intimate piercing. 

  • The available barbell lengths are 5/16" or 3/8" (8 mm or 10 mm). 
  • The gauge is of 16g (1.2 mm, standard measure).
  • The balls have a diameter of 1/8" (3 mm) for the shorter length of 5/16" (8 mm), and a diameter of 5/32" (4 mm) for the longer barbell of 3/8" (10 mm). 

We recommend not wearing gold-plated jewelry if you use isotonic saline water during cleaning, or during the healing process of the piercing. 

Everyday use

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.




Can last a lifetime

This jewelry is durable. With proper care and storage it can last up to 2 years.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s fairly easy to insert/remove this jewelry. No need for tools, just a bit of patience and steady hands.


4.54 reviews

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    Labai graži antakių pirsinga

    Manau, kad jis tikrai gražus, ypač kaip antakių piercingas. Jis labai išsiskiria iš kitų piercingų papuošalų, nes atrodo tikrai gražiai ir moteriškai. Antakių piercingai dažnai gali atrodyti šiek tiek kieti, bet šis ne. Ir su gera priežiūra jis gali išlikti tikrai ilgai. Manau, kad tai piercingas, kuris tinka visiems, o taip pat labai gerai dera su kitais tavo papuošalais. (auskarai, kaklo vėrinys, apyrankė ir kt.)

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    puikus kampinis perforatorius

    tikrai geras ir tinkamas papuošalas kampiniam piercingui :) Būtent toks, kokio man reikia! Rekomenduoju visiems

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    Intymus auskaras

    Tai puiku. Spalva, dydis, kokybė ir tt. Būtent mano skoniui :)

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    puikus, lyg būtų padaryta man <3

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