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All About Stretching Piercings

Understanding Tunnel Jewelry and Stretching Piercings Safely

Tunnels & plugs are two fundamental jewelry pieces when stretching your earlobe.

Both are jewelry that you put in your ear after you have stretched it up a size. That is, they are not used to increase size but to maintain the desired size. If you want to go up in size, you should look at tapers instead.

What is a tunnel?

In the piercing world, the name given to tunnels comes from the fact that you can "see" directly through the jewelry. It’s hollow, just like a tunnel that you drive through.

What’s the difference between a plug and a tunnel?

Simply put, plugs are solid, and you generally can't see through them unless they’re made from a transparent material - you can see through tunnels, however, as they have one or many holes.

Tunnels vs PlugsTunnels vs Plugs

What material should I use for my tunnel?

There’s a bit more material variety with plugs than with tunnels, as with plugs, there is a larger surface to decorate. Nevertheless, we’re sure you’ll love some of the many tunnels out there!

Tunnels are available in lots of materials. Amongst others, you can choose tunnels made of surgical steel, acrylic, and organic materials such as wood, horn, and bone. It is unusual to find tunnels made of glass and stone since these materials are less suitable to perforate.

Are wood and other organic materials safe to wear?

Wood and other organic materials are excellent jewelry materials once a stretch has healed, as the new skin can breathe through the material. However, don’t use wood in a newly made stretch, as wood soaks up wound fluids, which can be painful when taking the jewelry out. Make sure to remove your wooden tunnels before taking a bath, a swim, or a sauna as well.

How do I care for my stretched piercing?

Changing your stretching jewelry can be tricky, especially when the skin is dry. That's why it is advisable to use lubricant when changing your ear jewelry. A single packet can last quite a while, but once opened, it is no longer sterile.

If you notice any bad smells coming from your stretching, don’t worry, you can use Holey Butt'r. That works to neutralize the odor that bacteria produce around your stretch.

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