Bodymod Essentials

Septum retainer

2,90 €



Select size

Thread thickness:

1.2 mm.

Everyday use


Can last a lifetime

User friendly

For most skin types


Product Name: Septum retainer

SKU: Nose-10

Brand: Bodymod Essentials

Type: Retainer

Placement: Septum

Material: Surgical steel

Coating type: Anodized

Number of items: 1 piece

Design: Simple

Is the jewelry coated?: Yes, the whole jewelry


This beautiful septum retainer is available in different sizes and colors. You can use it as a retainer or as piercing jewelry. These retainers are made of surgical steel and can be used in the septum piercing. The beautiful design allows it to be used as a retainer and as jewelry as well. A piece of unique jewelry that can be used on every occasion, suitable for everyday use and special events. 

It has a width of 3/8" (10 mm), and it's available in different gauge sizes and five different colors. Choose the size that best suits your septum piercing.

Everyday use

Occasional use

Moderate use

Everyday use

The jewelry is designed for everyday use. It is not likely to cause any irritation with everyday use.


Not for sensitive skin

For most skin types


This jewelry’s material is popularly used in body jewelry and can be worn by most people without causing any reactions.

Water resistance

Avoid water

Splash proof


The jewelry is designed to be waterproof. It is not likely to break nor tarnish when exposed to water or bodily fluids.




Can last a lifetime

With proper care and handling this jewelry can be in your collection for a lifetime without losing it’s shine.

Ease of insertion / removal


Fairly easy

User friendly

It’s easy to insert/remove this jewelry due to its very user friendly open and closing mechanism.


4.511 reviews

  • Rating

    Only partially satisfied

    The insertion (septum nose piercing) goes smoothly. Even though I have a small nose, I can easily twist the retainer upwards. Tip: Pull the nose a little forward. Disadvantage: it sits loosely and is therefore a bit crooked in the nose, the ends point towards the sinuses. This is too dangerous for me in everyday life if I happen to bump my nose. I'm now using the small acrylic retainer here from the shop, which holds very well and is really not visible!

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    per didelis

    Negalėjau šito įsivaizduoti savo nosyje, nes iš nuotraukos nežinojau, kokio dydžio tai bus. Bet vis dėlto tai visai miela, tad galiu tai naudoti kaip įprastą papuošalą.

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    Tai tapo mano mėgstamiausiu

    Aš tai nusipirkau daugiausia dėl atviro dizaino, o ne tam, kad paslėpčiau. Tai yra mėlyna, labai graži. Tiesa, kad ji turi ilgesnį stilių, bet man ji vis tiek trumpesnė nei mano pakabinamo auskaras, todėl nesu tikras, kad dydis yra per didelis, nei ilgio, nei skersmens. Aš ją įdėjau akimirksniu, o ji nepaslysta netyčia pučiant nosį, taigi tai puiku. Buvo santykinai sunku rasti ką nors panašaus, todėl džiaugiuosi, kad turite tai, be to, turite ir platų asortimentą :)

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    Tobulas kaip laikiklis

    Tai puikus kaip laikiklis. Jis visai nematomas ir nekris, nesvarbu, kiek daug prisiliesite prie nosies ar reiks naudoti nosinimo. Perskaičiau, kad bus sunku jį uždėti, bet man tai nebuvo problema. 100% atitinka savo tikslą!

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    Puiki kokybė! Man tai patiko!

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    Man reikia šiek tiek paskatinimo

    Turite šiek tiek pasistengti, kad šį laikiklį pastatytumėte jam skirtoje vietoje. Tačiau kai tai padaryta, jis sėdi gerai ir patogiai, gerai slepdamas piercingo buvimą. Bet yra kažkas labai stebuklingo - niekas dar manęs neklausė, kodėl aš nuėmiau savo piercingą XD.

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