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Pliers for labrets

11,31 €11,90 €

Product Name: Pliers for labrets

SKU: Tool-36

Type: Tool

Material: Stainless steel

Color: Silver

Number of items: 1 piece


This is an essential tool to handle labrets, especially in the tragus and other difficult piercing areas. 

With the help of these pliers with one slotted and one flat circle tip, you can grasp labrets easily, especially in areas with difficult physiognomy. 

This tool has a length of about 4-11/32" (a bit more than 11 cm), and the diameter of the tips is around 1/4" (7 mm). One of them has a concave shape, so it can grasp all labret balls. The other one has a little slot, with a thickness of around 3/32" (2 mm), that will allow grabbing most shafts. 

These pliers have a locking mechanism that makes the use really easy. 


5.01 reviews

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    Nesen pasidariau nostril. Iškart, kai pakeičiau tai, ką įdėjo pierceris, norėdamas išlaikyti 1,2 mm dydį ir neįdėti „nose stud“, pasirinkau naudoti labret. Būdamas vyru ir turėdamas storesnes šnerves, praktiškai man buvo neįmanoma pasiekti skylę iš vidaus. Tačiau šių pincetų dėka tai iš tiesų labai paprasta, o jie laiko labret labai tvirtai, taip išvengiant sužalojimų ar jo praradimo.

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