Tattoo Goo - Mini aftercare ointment

9,90 €
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Product Name: Tattoo Goo - Mini aftercare ointment

SKU: Care-Tattoo-Goo

Type: Aftercare product

Content: 9,3 g.

Number of items: 1 piece


You can finally give your tattoo a good dose of care and love with the American Tattoo Goo ointment. 

You can get this ointment in a small metallic tin, similar to vaseline tins, but this ointment is green and has a pleasant lavender perfume :)

Tattoo Goo is the best-selling product for piercing aftercare in the world. This ointment is 99% organic, and it doesn't contain any additive that can harm your skin, such as lanolin. This ointment has been specially developed for tattoo aftercare, and it meets the requirements of American and German laws, countries where it has been tested. 

Its benefits include:

  • %99 organic product.
  • No harmful additives to health.
  • Contains natural antiseptics that fight infections.
  • Unlike panthenol products, this product does not contain lanolin, which can cause pore-clogging, allergies, and rashes.
  • Dermatologically tested product 

Approximate sizes and weight:

  • Thickness: 1-9/16" (40 mm)
  • Height: 1/2" (13 mm)
  • Content: 0.33 oz (9.3 grams)


  • Olive oil (soft lube that softens and moisturizes the skin)
  • Bee wax (natural product used instead of oil and lanolin)
  • Cocoa butter (vegetable oil derived from cacao that relieves abrasions, burns, and wounds).
  • Wheat germ oil (relieves abrasion, burn and wound inflammation)
  • Tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E that cures burns and abrasions)
  • Lavender oil (helps heal burns and reduces inflammation and itching)
  • Sunflower oil (moisturizing)
  • Rosemary extract (acts as tissue healing and prevents skin infections)
  • D&C Green #6 (Approved green color food additive that makes it look green)

Reminder: This ointment is indicated to use on tattoos, and the price contains one unit.


4.45 reviews

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    100% patenkintas

    Kremas tikrai puikus, turėjau alerginę reakciją nuo savo senos kremo, kuris man sukėlė daug mažų spuogų ant mano tatuiruotės, todėl vos tik jį gavau, pradėjau tepti ryte ir vakare ant savo tatuiruotės, kuri dengia visą mano dilbį, ir po 2 dienų naudojimo daugiau neturėjau mažų spuogų. Dabar mano tatuiruotė yra tobula, o indelis truko šiek tiek daugiau nei 2 mėnesius.

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    Veiksmingas balzamas

    Veiksmingas balzamas už mažą kainą

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    Gerai, bet toks mažas puodelis

    Tai labai geras produktas, jis išlaiko odą drėgną ir gerai kvepia, tačiau už tokią kainą produkto tikrai yra per mažai.

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    tokia greita pristatoma, užtruko tik 2 dienas...

    Gavau mažą produkto pavyzdį iš savo tatuiruotės., geriausia kūno kremą, kurią esu bandęs...užsisakiau ir..super greitas pristatymas tiesiai į pašto dėžutę per 2 dienas... labai gera po priežiūros tepalas tatuiruotėms, augalams ir aliejui be priedų, kuris taip gerai pasiskirsto ant odos. šiek tiek per aukšta kaina už šį mažą 21 g indelį praktiška savo mažame dydyje. ir geriausias tepalas, kurį esu bandęs.

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    Good, but small jars

    It smells amazing and keeps the skin moisturized for a long time, compared to so many other tattoo aftercare creams. However, the pots are reasonably small, and I don’t quite think they are worth 70 kr, but if they are on sale now... ;) Overall though, it’s a good alternative as it is also nearly 100% organic :)

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